Graham Marsden

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Dec 05 at 01:17 AM

Scott Wagenblast That's looking good 👍

Dec 04 at 11:56 PM

John Kuras It's a matter of getting the timing right and, believe me, it's a bit tricky!

This is what I understand of it:

You compress before the banking, then, when you're going up, you extend like you're doing a cardboard slide.

As you lose momentum, just before the apex, start to compress and twist, so you kiss the knees as you pass the coffee through and put your inside elbow in your back pocket.

That should help you turn your body and knees to point back down the ramp and you look to where you want to go.

Hope that helps!

Dec 04 at 07:10 PM

John Kuras I also find I can't easily scroll the videos on Android, but you can always download them and watch them in another video player.

Dec 04 at 07:08 PM

John Kuras I found the "left hand open, point the thumb" would restrict my movement as the shoulder couldn't open fully.

I think that may have been why Clay changed it to "hand up, elbow in the back pocket" technique.

Dec 04 at 11:13 AM

Damn, the conditions look nice and kudos to him for keeping on 🤙

Dec 04 at 07:58 AM

1733263118784_Screenshot_20241203_215009_OMBE Surf Training~2.1733263118.jpg

John Kuras As you go through the turn you don't extend, you stay compressed.

As you approach the next upslope, you're bending from the waist and looking down which is compromising your position.

Dec 04 at 07:04 AM

I pretty much echo what others have said.

Lift the elbows to straighten the back and you should find it easier to point and twist.

Also maybe the other end of the bowl might be better?

Dec 03 at 08:29 AM

Your body looks very tense and hunched over.Try lifting the elbows and straightening your back and you should find it easier to move. 

Dec 03 at 08:24 AM


Of those, I like top left the most as it's clear and readable, but may I suggest something like this with a surfboard shape:

Dec 02 at 06:51 AM

1733086313161_Screenshot_20241201_204650_OMBE Surf Training~01.1733086314.jpg

When you're taking off, your legs are wide and your hands are forward and to the sides.

Try to keep your legs straight and your feet together which will help you arch your back, also bring your hands in so they're under your lower ribs which makes it easier to push your shoulders up and back.

PS the last bit of your post is exactly what I suggested in my other reply 🙂 when you angle across the wave you do much better 👍
