Graham Marsden

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

08 Mar 11:37

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Rhys Llewelyn Nice!

A couple of other suggestions:

When you're coming down the ramp at the start, you look rather awkward and hunched over. Maybe try to keep your head up and compress the front leg.

The other thing is when you're turning, your left arm appears to be getting in your way and stopping you twisting as much as you could.

Try lifting the hand and, as Clay says, put your elbow in your back pocket:


Rhys Llewelyn You can add a second video in a reply to your own message.

07 Mar 13:19

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Damn, that looks pretty good 👍

You're getting good extension on the upslope and compressing on the down, you're passing the coffee and your head is low so you're not standing on the board but leaning through the turn to be on rail. (I wish I could get that far over!)

I'd suggest the next thing to work on would be to look to where you want to go, for example on the last turn you're looking down at the nose of the board instead of where you're going next.

07 Mar 06:39

Nice waves and nice rides 👍

Probably the next thing to work on would be to get a bit more front on and go top to bottom.

At the end of the first wave it looks like you bog the rail because you get too far out on the shoulder and then lean rather than twist.

Had you been closer to the pocket and stacked on the front foot you'd have had more speed and push from the wave (and been able to turn inside the people who were paddling out in your way!)



06 Mar 23:25

I hope the OMBE crew are battening down the hatches!

I've just seen on the news about cyclone Alfred which is about to hit the Gold Coast.

Take care 🤞

04 Mar 21:59

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Nice 👍

If I can offer a suggestion, here you appear to be putting your weight on the back foot, so you're having trouble twisting and you default to a lean.

Try to push your hips up and forward like you're doing a cardboard slide as you go up, that helps you stack on the front foot and makes it easier to twist and look through the turn

Replied on post was deleted

24 Feb 21:19

michio Your first bottom turn is good and you get back up the wave, but after you turn off the top, you choke the ride down and go horizontally instead.

If you can hold that all the way down, you'll be there 👍

Commented on post was deleted

24 Feb 11:44

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Looking good 👍 (although I'm only repeating what I've heard Clay saying 🙃 )

I think he'd now say that you still need to go more top-to-bottom which should give you a longer ride too... 😉

21 Feb 20:48

Koko Bower  You can buy copies of Bosu balls for a lot less than one with a fancy brand name on. I bought mine second hand for the same price as a beer!