OMBE Surf Training Programs
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Hey guys,
I’m new to the community and OMBE, loving it so far! I’ve been working on my walk up and relaxing in the water and the bus stop analogy has done wonders, I’m no longer second guessing myself with positioning.
I just had a question as me and my friends always have arguments about this.
So if you are surfing fat waves all the time can this effect your pop up for when you go into steeper waves?
Or is the problem not actually in the wave but in the pop up itself. I understand a steeper wave is going to give you more lift/push but if you position yourself correctly on a fat wave does it really matter?

February 01

Is it possible that a person's board can have too much bouyancy for them? Because my gut is telling me I do. Despite being a Beg.

April 28

Hey guys! Where does one submit videos for the feedback sessions? The videos are working for me now (no more paywall) but I can’t seem to find where to submit for next month’s review.
Thanks for the help!

April 23

Hope this can help the over thinkers and those with high expectations. I almost gave up surfing last year after going to Urbnsurf and falling off at takeoff on nearly every Cruiser or PT wave for a whole weekend. I'm a long-time beginner (more than 10 years) who has improved surf skating more than surfing.

I had two sessions between connecting flights last week and had way more fun going in focusing on what I was ok failing with. After the first session, I made quite a few walk ups, but watching them back wasn't happy with how I looked side on rather than front on as I stood up. Second session I was happy to fail "falling forward" if the movement looked better. As it was I failed surfing with my hands rather than walking up. 

When you're getting frustrated, maybe scale back to "What do you want to improve?" and "What are you ok failing with?". I think this an example of what Luke and Clayton refer to when 'failing forwards'. Thanks to them for that.

What's worked for others?

April 06

Anywhere in the southeast suburbs Melbourne where I can  get surf skate lessons? Thanks

April 21

Hello everybody! First time posting! I've been getting to the stage where I feel like I need to get some outside perspective of where my surfing is and what next to work on! I would love to hear any feedback on these waves! (I'm 6ft2 183lb, riding 5ft11 38L keel fin fish!) I put myself at a lower intermediate level and want to start surfing more vertically Yew!

April 20

I've been working on my surf skating, trying to get the timing right on the transitions so I can pump for speed.

This is my best effort to date, I'm actually managing to keep it going for almost a minute (the video is shorter!)

Once I've got the timing, I'm hoping to be able to get my head lower.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions on how I can improve things, please do post them here.

PS what's disappointing is that, when I'm on the board, it feels like I'm getting almost to the top of the bank, but when I look at the video, I'm barely getting half way up 🙁

April 22

How I feel (hanging out with my family excepted of course :-)

Almost in Nicaragua. Yew!
Jet lagged but excited for the OMBE retreat !

April 19
• Edited (Apr 19, 2024)

Hey everyone! I got this wave at the wave pool some weeks ago and I hope I could get some feedbacks. I’m seeing that my posture is not so good and wondering what else I should work on to get better. Thanks in advance! Greetings from Brazil!!