Clayton Nienaber If you can get access to BBC iPlayer there was a documentary recently called The Secret Life of Waves which was very interesting and talks about similar things that you're mentioning now.It does get a bit philosophical in places, but it makes a fascinating point that waves aren't actually made of water, they're made of energy travelling through the water.(If you get a message saying you need a TV Licence, just click on the button that says "I've got one" 😁)https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00y5jhx
Commented on Hi all, just a heads up that Video Su...
26 Mar 03:27
Brian Nottidge I've just tried uploading a test clip and it seemed to work OK, so maybe it was a temporary glitch.
How big was your video file?
BTW the best way to share video with the Community is to create a YouTube channel, put it on there and then share the link.