Graham Marsden

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

26 Mar 03:27

Brian Nottidge I've just tried uploading a test clip and it seemed to work OK, so maybe it was a temporary glitch.

How big was your video file?

BTW the best way to share video with the Community is to create a YouTube channel, put it on there and then share the link.

25 Mar 21:01


Clayton Nienaber  If you can get access to BBC iPlayer there was a documentary recently called The Secret Life of Waves which was very interesting and talks about similar things that you're mentioning now.It does get a bit philosophical in places, but it makes a fascinating point that waves aren't actually made of water, they're made of energy travelling through the water.(If you get a message saying you need a TV Licence, just click on the button that says "I've got one" 😁)

14 Mar 21:27

Terry W  If you're using a desktop browser, there's a link at the top of the page for Video Submission.On the app, go to insiders-updates channel and it's the pinned post there.Alternatively it's at

13 Mar 07:38

1741815532990_Screenshot_20250312_213334_OMBE Surf~2.1741815533.jpg

I'd guess that this is why:

Compare the lip on the left and see how it's starting to throw, but on the right it's just not happening, so the power isn't there.

Also look at the body positioning too.


11 Mar 23:32

Clay recommends the Carver CX boards.

I've got one and it's been very helpful to my surfing.

The Triton range is cheaper than the top of the line models, but it's just as good 👍

BTW I replaced the stock 78a wheels with harder 95a Park Wheels which are better on the bowls I practice on.

11 Mar 20:36

It's pretty smooth, but you're hardly using any of the wave ☹️

Try to get more top to bottom instead of rushing along the midline.

You seem to be starting your first bottom turn early when you're only half way down the wave, hold the drop for longer, then extend to the lip and you can access more of the wave face.


11 Mar 20:32

1741689151770_Screenshot_20250311_102209_OMBE Surf~2.1741689154.jpg

It looks nice and smooth, but your arms could be more engaged, it's only on the last turn that you really lift them. Point them at the lip and then push the coffee cup through the turn and look where you want to go.

Also you've got a lovely bowl to practice in, but you're barely using it 😉

Try to develop your path eg like this and then do figure 8s 👍



Commented on Thoughts on this??!?

10 Mar 20:55

It's a bit difficult to see details, but you seem to rush out onto the shoulder which is why you run out of wave, that may be because (from what I can tell) you appear to be too side on, so even when you try to turn back, you're not able to twist there.I'd say your next thing to work on would be getting more front on which would help you turn back to the pocket and then you can go more top-to-bottom.

09 Mar 01:59

"Be like water and flow" - Bruce Lee
