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Exciting Changes Ahead! 🌊We’ve restructured our footage review process to make it more beneficial for everyone. While live sessions will be on pause as we adapt to new dynamics with our two candidates, we’re thrilled to announce a fresh approach: your submissions will now be reviewed and shared here in the community!Here’s why we’re embracing this new method:✔️More Engagement: Posting reviews here encourages interaction and brings our quieter members into the conversation. Lives were limiting, as only those free at the time could participate.✔️Flexibility for Clay: With a packed schedule of retreats next year, this setup allows Clay to review submissions remotely during his downtime—ensuring faster and more consistent feedback.✔️Easier Access: Every review and takeaway will be visible to everyone, making it simpler to learn and improve without sifting through past live sessions.✔️Focused Feedback: This organized system will help you concentrate on specific areas to improve.🔔 A few reminders: • Submit one video at a time to give everyone a fair chance for feedback. • Avoid submitting distant or surf-cam footage—Clay needs clear visuals to provide effective, actionable advice.We can’t thank you enough for your support, patience, and understanding as we work through these changes together. Your willingness to adapt and grow with us means the world, and we’re so appreciative of this amazing community. 🙏P.S. I’ve added a Google sheet in the comments for tracking your submissions. If you’d like your older footage skipped, simply select “Y” in column F. This will indicate you’re uploading newer training footage. If you select “N,” Clay will proceed with reviewing your current submission. Let us know if you have any questions!
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  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#Adam Mclean Bottom turn is gold, look for the lip and redo that great take off of yours

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

Jason Cullen Too low on a compression will loose speed and power also remember on a wave you lean into it so the touch is not down but more across.

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

Mark Hind Pick your targets closer to the waves energy. Your body is rushing the turnds faster than the board can travel through the turn which is canceling out energy. Timing your body with the turning circle of the board will create constructive energy and more speed and power.

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 12

Hello guys, I'm Álvaro from Peru, and I started learning to surf 8 months ago. I usually surfed twice a month, but now I'm in the Gold Coast practicing three times a week. However, I'm struggling to improve.

I think I'm pretty bad, and maybe I can't get better because I'm using this board to practice. The reason is that my car is a Suzuki Alto, a small one, so I can't bring my other board, which is a 6'10"—though maybe it's still not long enough. Anyway, I'm not sure how to improve with what I have since I can't make any changes for now. I'm living in Surfers Paradise. Do you have any suggestions on how to get better using this board?

P.S. If anyone is living near Surfers or in the Gold Coast, is also learning, or wants a Padawan, let's connect! 🤙🏻

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#hugh Eyes on the prize and coffee cup. Pass the coffee

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#Simon Flax backside turns. Where you look you go. Follow the energy in the wave

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#Nicholas Top to bottom in the pocket

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#nicholas Water flows up and down and so should you. Follow the flow of water. Toomuch compression can stifel that energy movement.

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#Nicholas Downwards speed not across.

  in  🏄 ombe-community
February 17

#Simon Flax Use the wave energy not your power to create speed.