Coryn Daniel

Cardiff, United Kingdom

27 Mar 03:05

Is this a community/insiders thing?

15 Mar 01:57

I know what you mean - he completely changed my surfing with a five minute chat!!


13 Mar 18:14

The left wave looks a little steeper and more critical plus you have way more energy going into it - all your body movements are full and committed. The right wave, you look a little bit more tired with less energy.


11 Mar 18:39

Spend less time in the flat section 😁


Supposed to be a good place to skate. Luke does skate sessions there


08 Mar 08:29

Where is this?

07 Mar 23:52

Looks good mister. Do you have a video of the same drill on the other side of the ramp?

05 Mar 00:22

Get that left arm out of the way! Open up to the turn and enjoy the speed as you come back down


15 Feb 23:31

What a great sunset!

Where is that?

(Reminds me of Nicaragua!)

15 Feb 23:30

Are you turning your head to look back at the foam on your turns? ( I’m old and can’t see properly 😂😂😂)