Rohan okay that does make sense. Typically though frontside/backside refers the which part is facing the wave or the ramp in this case, which is why it confused me.
I know typically, if surfing, I would want that second turn to be quicker. And for that you are correct I do need to stop looking left and get my head around quicker, I'd also like to be a little more leaned in towards the bowl to snap it around quicker and get my head lower.
I would also like to carve that turn around the bowl corner as well just to help keep the flow while skating it, and possibly get myself up onto the coping. So I plan on practicing and perfecting both versions in time.
Replied on Took some different angles of video o...
Jan 17 at 03:47 AM
Rohan the norm at least per skateboarding is frontside is front facing ramp or wave. At least it is when I youtube frontside grind videos or whatever.
I was getting that backside (2nd) turn in quicker today with less pause at the top. Just really focusing on compressing that back knee through the turn as much as I can makes it whip around quicker and gets me more towards inverted so my board can pivot around me.
Few more sessions and I figure I'll have it locked it and than I can work on pushing it up higher towards the coping.