The two most important things I've found are:1) Stacking on the front footYou should be in a comfortable Neutral Stance position where your bones, rather than your muscles are supporting you, so you feel like you could there stand all day without your legs getting tired.You want your hips forward and your elbows up to keep your back straight, your head up and shoulders back.2) The Coffee CupTo start with, keep it in front of you, then practice putting it down on the front of the ball, then lift it up like you're trying to put it on a high shelf. This will get you used to compressing and extending on your front leg.When you want to turn, imagine pouring the coffee out in the direction you want to go, but twist from the bottom up, ie your ankles, knees and hips rotate in sequence, then the shoulders and arms follow.Slow things down and it will get smoother.
Commented on Hi guys I’m a beginner/low intermedia...
Feb 15 at 09:32 PM
Watch what they're doing and look at where the wave is drawing up, they might be finding the right spot (Bus Stop) which is what is actually helping them catch the wave and they may be wasting energy with the stress paddling, but they don't know differently 😀