
Maria Molè

May 19 at 09:05 PM

Agreed! Just go.

May 19 at 09:04 PM

I could be there within a few hours flight or by car. I would definitely be in for that, too!

May 09 at 12:51 PM

Great article, thank you for sharing. It’s so true! Some of the best days have been in these situations where you’re just like eff it, let’s paddle out.

And in a shameless plug (for my hubby, Rob) during hurricane Hermine in our backyard surfing, he was photographed and in a feature on The Inertia. He’s surfer image #9 or #10, depending on how it loads in the photo gallery. I went out 2 days after and caught some of the best waves of my life! I remember sitting out on my balcony watching him surf; I called his cell phone to leave him a voicemail just to tell him how he just caught some of the most beautiful waves ever… a little momento from Hermine.



May 09 at 05:29 AM

I haven’t heard any info either regarding.

May 08 at 11:30 AM

Surfing is definitely for those that never give up. I remember how many times I’ve paddled out only to have my head handed to me… and paddled out again the next day. Two hours on my board, at the wrong bus stop. And how many times I’ve fallen off my board. Yet, here I still am at it. I can relate!!

May 08 at 11:25 AM

Hope you’re feeling less zombie-like. Hope Nicaragua was amazing. I’m on the list for next March. 😀

Will we have to upload new videos or will you use the ones that were already uploaded for the one for yesterday?

May 07 at 09:50 AM

Graham Marsden I totally feel your pain. Our weather has seemed to morph into UK gloom, too. I manage to squeeze in 15-20 minutes at the skate park on my way home from work. I’m ready for AI surfing…


May 07 at 09:38 AM

I can’t catch a break lately. I live right in front of my break… it’s been flat as can effin be. I scheduled a wave pool sess… they canceled the night before due to an emergency repair. I uploaded a video for feedback and there’s no feedback event….

Argh…. Sometimes it feels like the universe is working against me.


May 07 at 09:33 AM

Graham Marsden Thank you, I will!


May 07 at 09:29 AM

Oh, wait! There is a Facebook group?