
Dec 13 at 02:35 AM

Tom Tebbatt this pic also shows that your weight is too far back. You're stepping on the breaks, then you hop to try get speed. Push your hips forward and your coffee cup arm.


Dec 10 at 03:22 PM

Thanks Hayden... Bookmarked for movie night 😉


Dec 08 at 10:37 PM

I think your compression is good here.

Oct 22 at 04:26 AM

May you have a smooth operation and get well soon :) 


Oct 05 at 02:47 AM

What Michiel suggested, also you could practice hitting the lip. Depending how much face you have you could try getting as many turns in before you hit the lip. 

Sep 03 at 01:44 AM

I second this 😉



Sep 02 at 04:51 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Day one of the make a wave challenge and well... I did not get to surf today. Work stuff... Been a month of work stuff putting everything else on the back seat so I have been rather unprepared and a lot to catch up with.

Lucky the make a wave challenge allows for any surf related activity in the water, and out so I figured I would at least prepare for the month a bit. So I got the old... old...oooooold wax off the board and made a few reminders for the month to come. I don't remember ever seeing this surfboard so clean and shiny before... I didn't want to put back in the sock 😂

As for the stickers, arrows are to remind me of feet positioning, the other a coffee cup of course and another to get it up with my hips forward. 

On the bright side, the forecast was not surfable for today anyways, after this week, the weekend free up again.

Aug 21 at 04:19 PM

I am also in for this... Will be my third time now. I am land locked so non-surf days I am doing land based training. Have you already created a team?

Jul 26 at 01:38 AM

Clayton Nienaber So it would work at Jbay as well? 

Jul 24 at 03:37 PM

Clayton Nienaber I am echoing Grahams offer... If you need some extra assistance with the tech stuff... My hand is up to volunteer as well.
