Now fast popup. And apologies about the heavy breathing. Don't know how to edit the sound out.
Also, my back foot has a lot of pain so I can't get the heel to lay down.
Now fast popup. And apologies about the heavy breathing. Don't know how to edit the sound out.
Also, my back foot has a lot of pain so I can't get the heel to lay down.
About 3 months out of total hip replacement surgery. Feeling good on the Bosu and on the skateboard. Just waiting for surgeon to clear me to start surfing again!
Per the suggestion of Scott Wagenblast trying to change my line to work on getting my head lower and carving around the corner instead of just cruising around the bowl.
Not gonna lie much more difficult then I had expected. Mainly trying to build enough speed going into the turn. I don't know how to drop in yet- I feel like that would really help here instead of pushing from the bottom and trying to pump around the bowl to get the speed the hit the corner. By the time I get enough speed my legs are already burning (too many squats last night I guess.)
Will keep working on it. I realize the whole turn needs work. Getting my head around, getting the coffee cup passing around, getting the front arm up and outta the way. I don't pretend these are good turns....YET! Gotta start somewhere though...
I'm heading to Lanzarote on Saturday for a week of surfing. Forecast looking reasonable. We're based near Famara. Any local recommendations appreciated
Figured I'd post my most recent clips since it doesn't seem like there is gonna be a feedback session for a while.
Pretty happy with my 1st 2 turns, unfortunately my park doesn't really have a corner, just the half pipe... thinking I may have to drive 2 hours to the next closest park to get a good corner bowl section with a nice roll in, so I can work on getting my head lower through the turn.
In the bowl I'm trying, rather unsuccessfully to do the same thing, kiss the knee more and head my head lower in line with the board. Feeling like it's probably a little bit of a speed issue since I'm too afraid to drop in to this one.
I watched the feedback from the "unlocking your backhand" session and Clayton mentioned to multiple people about getting that head lower and letting the board pivot around it. Again, kinda feeling like my park doesn't really offer a section that would be good for working on that. But I am trying to get those airplane wings to roll/lean.
As always any feedback welcome. If I ever make it to the other park I'll be sure to get lots of clips, but a 4 hour drive (2 each way) plus time at the park is hard to come by with 2 young kids so not sure if that's gonna happen any time soon.
Anyone have any tips on how to recover while still at the beach? I go out any morning that we actually have waves here In South Florida. Out here we usually only get windswells which comes with tons of current, so I’m constantly paddling just to stay In position. My paddle strength and stamina has gotten a lot better over time thanks to following all the excersizes on this site however I can usually only last about an hour and a half before I’m completely drained. At this point Im usually pretty stubborn and try push through being tired but my surfing starts to really go downhill as a result.
Should I just go back in to the beach and try to rest for a little while, or should I just be calling it quits on the session at this point?
Also is there anything I can do while still out the back to avoid getting tired?
So is it safe to assume there is not going to be a November or December feedback session, since they are no longer on the calendar or in the video section?
I just wanted to make a post to say thank you very much for making the pre pop up course. I recently transitioned over to a 7’2 epoxy board coming down from an 8’0 soft top, and I was no longer able to figure out the timing of my takeoff. I found the pre pop up course after searching this app for what is possibly going wrong and wow it was a complete game changer. I had the most sucessful session of surfing today that Ive ever had. So this post is just to say thank you so much for making such great content, and for anyone on here struggling with your takeoff make sure you check out the pre pop up course!
One extremely satisfied member of this site.
Dry-Land Training:
So I live is South Carolina, unfortunately the waves here are less than steller MOST of the time. As such, I try to maximize my improvement through dry land training. Wondering if there is anything Y'all do that maybe I have not thought of. I have 2 young kiddos and work full time so my time is limited but I do what I can as often as I can.
My usual training looks something like this:
Weight lift: 3x per week-squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench, barbell rows. It's a program called strong lifts 5x5. I like this cause it's simple being only 5 exercises and quick,5 sets of 5 with little rest in between, so I can squeeze it into 25 mins if the squat rack isn't being used.
Stretch/foam roll/ deep tissue release with golf ball or tennis ball on the in between lifting days. Use Chris mills surfstrength coaching programs for the variety of stretches/ body weight movements I can do at home. Also work on holding my oreo biscuit back arch for a few mins to improve my low back strength and flexibility.
Surfskate practice: usually do 20-30 mins a day, as long as it's not raining, after dropping my girls off at school before I head to work. Usually involves a few laps around the bowl, working on flow and compression/extension. Do about 5-10 mins in bowl, 5-10 mins on the 4' transition working on turns, 5-10 mins on the 6' banks working on my twist and passing the coffee cup and compression on the way down. (I've posted a few videos of my normal surfskate stuff In the community in the past.) If my girls want to play outside when I'm home from work I'll also skate the street (flat ground) while they scooter or ride their bikes.
Surfing: anytime I can and there are waves. Still a line 2 surfer, but since joining my pop up/walk up is no longer an issue at all. Dropped down from riding a 8' fun board to a 41L groveler to between 34 to 37L depending on waves. Now just trying to get the whole compression/extension and turning thing dialed in. Being a mushy beachbreak though most waves here are extremely short and 1 turn and done type waves.
Flowrope: added this recently but I do need to get a better rope to do it with. Using some paracord I had laying around but it feels to light so have to make a trip to get some better rope for it I think.
Videos: watched the whole of the OMBE programs probably 3 times through by now including all the video coaching sessions. I find these are actually now the most helpful as seeing Clayton's advice on other people issues helps me to figure out and correct mine. Also watch pro videos, John john, Kelly, Nathan florence, Koa rothman, Clay marzo, Mason ho are my favorites to watch, I try to watch at half speed and really pay attention to their body, head, hand positions while they rip.
At the moment that's about the extent of it. If anyone has any suggestions or things that have really helped you to improve please let me know. Surfing well is something that has been a life long goal, and luckily now I live close enough to the ocean and have an opportunity to chase that dream. Thanks in advance for any pointers or ideas.