I'm not trying to ruffle feathers, but I registered for an OMBE surf trip. I'm SUPER excited, but found out that boards aren't provided. It's the only surf camp I've ever been to where the board is not included. For the price, I'd expect it to be covered for sure. But my main issue is that from a teaching/learning perspective for a beginner/low intermediate level surfer like myself, it's often the case that we're not riding the right board (beginners often ride shorter boards than they should). So having to bring a board (aside from a additional cost) might end up putting the student in the position of having a board that won't maximise the learning that could happen on retreat. Or maybe they'd have to end up renting after they already brought their board?
It absolutely makes sense for higher level surfers who are more likely to be on an appropriate board, the one they use all the time.
I was wanting OMBE to weigh in on what size board I should be riding for my skill level to maximise the trip. If I bring the wrong board, am I out of luck? I guess I don't mind paying the extra for a rental for the week (slightly irksome), but how do I know they'll have an appropriate board for me if they're not typically providing boards for their students?
Clearly I'm struggling with how I should approach the trip. I HATE travelling with boards. It adds a financial cost but more so a mental burden and hassle involved in sorting them out. I have an 8' longboard as well as a 7'2", 7' and 6'8" funboard. Which board(s) do I bring? Is it a risk to just trust that there will be appropriate rentals for me if I don't?
My goals for the trip is to nail down the basics (always looking up at where I want to go and coffee cup in a neutral stance) while catching green waves, riding the face.
Again, I am SO pumped.about the trip and SO grateful to OMBE and the community. Looking for advice.
Replied on I'm not trying to ruffle feathers, bu...
Oct 06 at 11:26 PM
Nicaragua Retreat in Popoyo, March 17-23.