Good technique is good technique, no matter the wave. The biggest difference with steep vs fat waves I would say is time, as Graham mentioned. Fat waves roll in slower than steep waves. You got some time to glide and walk up. Steep waves you got to be fast and absolutely looking where you want to go, because the steeper the wave the quicker you need to get on rail.
That being said, steep wave take offs can be a bit easier - in terms of walk up - because gravity is on our side. While we popping up, the board is going down so the gap between our chest and board opens faster allowing us to get the front foot through easier and sooner.
Next factor is the board. A long board is going to get a fat wave sooner than a short board, if at all. Mind you, long boards catch steep waves sooner as well... :)
Replied on Hey guys, I’m new to the community an...
May 03 at 04:56 AM
Laura Michelmore Not necessarily, it depends what you want out of surfing... Think about long boarders that glide for days and then quickly pop up and off they go. So yes, more about being aware of the lift and when to walk up...
If you get up too soon on a fat wave it's going to roll on under you and leave you behind. If you get up too late the wave is going to be too steep and you're over the falls.
Fat waves can also become steep waves and the shallower it becomes the faster it gets. Where do you want to sit and what board are you riding?
If steep waves are the aim, then slowly getting technique right on fat waves is going to help on steep waves because the steeper the wave, the less time you have to think and the more instinctual things become and there's a level of trust your body will get you to where your eyes are pointing 😁 With bad technique it makes it harder.