OMBE Surf Training Programs
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in 🏄 ombe-community
October 08, 2023

When I pop up, sometimes I do it really wel and can surf the line. However, sometimes when I’m popping up, I get up and fall forward, falling in front of my board and the board then drops on top of me. What is causing this? How can I fix my pop up? I feel like this is really limiting my improvement and would love to get help on this.

in 🏄 ombe-community
January 09

Anybody in the NYC area that wants to meet up? I’ve been following OMBE for a while and have made great strides to my surfing (Thanks Clayton!). I usually surf by myself and would love to share the stoke with more people! Leave a comment here or hit me up on ig (@brianyin). Just looking for someone to surf/surf skate together or just hangout and talk about surfing! Sharing a wave of me doing a top turn for the first time!

in 🏄 ombe-community
September 22, 2023

What level surfer are you by the OMBE Four Lines?

in 🏄 ombe-community
April 03

The OMBE bowl in Nicaragua is ready. I’ll be heading over there next week to host x 3 retreats. So excited for this one!!

in 🏄 ombe-community
February 20

Sometimes it's the simplest or smallest things...

I've been trying to get my shortboard walk up working, ie pushing up onto my knees, rather than my toes for when I'm using a smaller board.

When I'm at home, I can practice it on the carpet, no problems, it works fine, but today I, again, couldn't get it to work.

Because of the conditions (small, a bit messy) I was using my 7'6 board which is about the shortest I can do the "toes" method, but trying to avoid doing that.

Except, every time I walked up, I was finding I still not using my knees and I couldn't figure out why, even though, before I went out, I'd practiced on the beach and it had been fine.

So eventually I rode a wave back in, put the board on the beach and tried again, seeing if I could figure out what I was doing differently.

And suddenly it clicked!

When I was on the waves, my hands were coming a bit further forward on the board so they were under my shoulders, but when I was practicing on the beach, they were down by my lower ribs!

So I went back out again and, ok, it wasn't perfect, but I was definitely using my knee/ shin much more 👍

I'll have to practice more to get it drilled it, but it's amazing how much a few inches difference in hand placement can change things 🙂

in 🏄 ombe-community
December 29, 2023

Doing the beginner pathway and focusing on the walk up. Still very unstable. Putting a rolled blanket under the board really forces me to slow down. It gives me instant feedback on how the weight is distributed on the board while walking up. I hope this will help me maximize my oereo game 😁
Are you noticing anything I can fix right away before I start repeating the drill in the coming weeks?

in 🏄 ombe-community
February 08

I rode my 8’2 gun in waist to shoulder waves and has my best surf in ages. I had zero expectations.

in 🏄 ombe-community
January 29

How to accelerate your turn with science

in 🏄 ombe-community
April 17

Hi all! Anyone else can’t see this video? I have access to all the other ones. Thanks for the help :)

in 🏄 ombe-community
April 18

I’m new to surfing and surfskating. I am regular on a surfboard but goofy on a skateboard. Is it recommended to try and change one of the stances to match the other?
Fwiw, I’m a type-1 fun surfer. Looking to progress much mostly want to keep it light and chill and spend time with my kid. So if surfskating switch will still give me some basic balance and body awareness, then great. I just don’t want riding switch to be detrimental.
Everyone in here seems so advanced! It’s both intimidating and inspiring!