Will Swait

Jan 14 at 04:49 AM

Thank you, I will try and focus on that next session. I thought I was going up and down the wave more than I actually was.

Jan 13 at 05:31 PM

Thanks for all the feedback, yes I was feeling stance is a bit long and front got too far forward. I'll get back on the bosu and cardboard for now. Though I have got a few parks locally, I just struggle to find the right time when they're not wet or full of kids, all just excuses really. We used to have an amazing indoor skatepark but it got knocked down for development sadly.



Jan 13 at 07:03 AM


I know I need to work on my stance, still to side on. And I know the best way would be to surfskate. But I really struggle to find anywhere to practice it.



Nov 15 at 06:21 AM

I'm heading to Lanzarote on Saturday for a week of surfing. Forecast looking reasonable. We're based near Famara. Any local recommendations appreciated

Oct 25 at 04:48 PM

Thanks, heading down to Woolacombe for a few days so will be something to work on



Oct 25 at 05:36 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Surfing the advanced setting at the wave today. I often lose momentum. Looking at the photos I think I need to stack more over the front foot and get on rail. Any other input gratefully received


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Mar 22 at 05:53 PM

Interesting one. I'm my head I would like to be sat least high intermediate but in reality more of a low intermediate. Definitely improving since I started OMBE, I just need to surf more regularly