Luke Hardacre

Aug 25 at 05:43 PM

Yes some are. Its all about positioning. If you are closer to the pocket and surfing more vertical. There is a point where it becomes more of a big rail carve than a cutback, where as the cutback is more I am cutting back to the pocket and putting myself in the power source. You want to match the power of the wave, if the wave is weak, don't over push and try super hard. If its weak, match that and do a less critical cutback to make sure you complete the turn and put yourself back in the pocket.

Aug 25 at 05:30 PM

Thursday 31st we will be doing the next feedback sessions. We will send out an email of how to upload footage etc shortly

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.There is a whole podcast/guide about it but basically make the movements really smooth and make it as slow as it needs to be to be smooth. Overtime that smooth movement will naturally speed up for you.The glide take your time to feel the wave, you want to feel the waves lift and energy. AS you take your time you might miss the pop up on a few waves but you will gain the feedback and feeling and that is a huge win. You can then take that feeling and know, this is when I need to pop up. Does that make sense? IF you dont try to pop up and just glide into a few waves you will get the complete feedback of what that feels like rather than focusing on too many things

Aug 18 at 05:42 AM

The pdf is in the home page of this course in the resources tab or it will show up as a downloadable on the home page of the course.

Aug 17 at 04:09 PM

Yes some people refer to a section of midlengths as fun boards. Think of it as a midlength more towards more manoeuvreability. 


Thanks Kelly!

I wouldn't worry about it, but if you are, play around with your stance and see if you are standing too wide or if there is a range of motion issue. Your stance should allow freedom of movement and feel comfortable. 

Nose to the beach is a trigger word, where the nose of your board aims towards the beach. This is a cue that you need to ride down the wave to build speed and not across the wave and not build speed. Fastest way to surf a wave is up and down, not across. 

personal preference on crossing the feet. 

Mar 30 at 06:07 PM

There is no alternative version. Just a short board version. Just use the search function for shortboard walk up