Jerry Hansen

Aug 08 at 11:33 AM

Thanks to you both. I was out the last two days and already made some progress based on your feedback and advice. As the swells begin to pick up here in socal in the fall (and provide more rights in most of my spots) I hope to be ready. If not, I will send some video—thanks again. New to OMBE and loving it!!


Aug 07 at 09:40 AM

Thank you Graham. It’s about catching and pop up. When I catch the wave I actually surf it ok. It’s the idea of the wave breaking behind me that messes me up despite trying to look down the line when paddling and popping. I’m a 5 out of 10 front side surfer and 1-2 on backhand. How can I mentally or drill wise get past this anxiety. I don’t see any specific videos or drills to address this in the program but I may not have found it yet