
Benjamin Golding-Webb

Apr 02 at 02:33 AM

Cheers mate , I just need to try solidify that feeling. Should I be practicing the same turn on a bigger ramp to simulate the bigger board? I’m currently on a big 7,4” but it has quite tucked rails so I’m hoping to get it on rail on the cruiser setting at the wave pool . I’ll be at there tomorrow trying to get this right in the water. Any last tips? I would imagine I’ll be falling alllllllottttt

Apr 02 at 02:28 AM

Cheers Graham, will I need to push the shopping trolly on the cutback? Or would that just be for a backhand bottom turn?

Apr 02 at 02:24 AM

Cheers Scott thanks for your feedback


Apr 01 at 04:25 AM


Hey everyone thanks for your feedback a few weeks back, we’ve had another dry day here although the bowl was still a pond. I’ve tried to work on slowing the turn down and controlling both arms. I’ve exprermented with a few trigger words, the first one was “breath” to help slow me down and the second one was “armpit” 😅 it felt more fluid