Blair S

Warrnambool, Australia

Mar 04 at 11:07 AM

Nice turn

May 23 at 07:47 PM


Hey. Done some mods to my bosu. May or may not help with what you're trying to achieve. Good luck.

Mar 30 at 06:46 AM

Jeremy put up a post about month ago with a link in it. 🤙

Mar 29 at 09:57 PM

Thx for the heads up Graham.


Mar 29 at 12:34 PM

Hey. Is there a March feedback session we can watch? Thx


Mar 21 at 07:47 AM

I still can’t ‘drop in’ it’s also on my list to achieve, still weighing up risk v rewards. I was more taking about the roll in ramp. You may already roll in fine, you seem like you have good foundations and nice balance. I’m thinking about building a 2-3 foot ramp at home to practice dropping in before I attempt at a park. Good luck to us !! 😁

Mar 20 at 12:42 PM

Looks like a Cool little fun ramp. Could easily reverse that pattern by dropping in down the ramp from the left of the photo. Maybe even jam a quick little turn in before you get to the end bowl section.

Mar 20 at 10:56 AM

Looks nice and clean Scott. Similar to lines/patterns I practice on my local ramp. We can only work with what's available. Only thing to do now is get higher tighter faster and transfer it to the water 🤙

Mar 02 at 03:50 PM

Hey is there pricing anywhere for the mentawai trips? Thx

Dec 23 at 09:46 PM

Hey Coryn thanks so much for pointing me in right direction. I just checked the clip out. Nice work from Ozzi... I lack the ramp and courage to do that turn in a bowl! 😁