Brian Sterling

Canggu, Indonesia

Oct 27 at 10:49 AM

Someone sure likes chat gpt!

Aug 08 at 06:35 PM

I'm trying to get a spot for that but don't know if the dates are solid yet, reached out to Malibu Popoyo today, we'll see if they respond.

May 23 at 04:55 PM


Don't know how to find private communities, I only see this one.But, my comment was more directed at Youtube content directly from Ant and Clay, that's where I've interacted the most with OMBE.Here's a screenshot of the Youtube channel today, as you can see they have really slowed down the live streams and coach's eyes and Q&A's and all those regular events they were doing for what seemed like a couple of years.



May 23 at 12:36 PM

Is Ombe dead? Like 2 videos in the last 3 months, only 1 video per month before that? Miss the chats and the videos on youtube!


Commented on Surf Smart (Lines 2-4)

Mar 10 at 07:36 AM

anyone else have no sound on this one?