


Apr 23 at 07:17 PM

Hope this can help the over thinkers and those with high expectations. I almost gave up surfing last year after going to Urbnsurf and falling off at takeoff on nearly every Cruiser or PT wave for a whole weekend. I'm a long-time beginner (more than 10 years) who has improved surf skating more than surfing.

I had two sessions between connecting flights last week and had way more fun going in focusing on what I was ok failing with. After the first session, I made quite a few walk ups, but watching them back wasn't happy with how I looked side on rather than front on as I stood up. Second session I was happy to fail "falling forward" if the movement looked better. As it was I failed surfing with my hands rather than walking up. 

When you're getting frustrated, maybe scale back to "What do you want to improve?" and "What are you ok failing with?". I think this an example of what Luke and Clayton refer to when 'failing forwards'. Thanks to them for that.

What's worked for others?