Dean Vrecko apologies, I realized you might just mean tight Achilles in general!! If so, I’d only suggest standing straighter may also make it easier to get the back foot down (I’m thinking of pros in small barrels- back heal is often up), and it also looks like you are stacking the front foot (which is good!) as if you stacked the back, the heal would lower more. I’m a fan of yoga for flexibitly if you still want to work on it! But if you ever Achilles tendinitis, you have some advice 😂🤣😂
I like you are looking where you are going- ever seen the research on mental imagery- apparently activates the same part of your brain as actually doing the activity so- pretty cool!
Commented on Looking for feedback. Was not working...
Feb 03 at 03:51 AM
Nothing to add to Clayton ans Graham’s points (I was wondering about a more angled line, so happy to see I was on the right track!)
Walk up is looking good though! 😊