December 23, 2024

These waves are about one year apart. Different wave pool settings and different loaner boards. It's not a perfect comparrison, but my top turn is starting to feel better. On the one from this year, you can see I am still having an issue with getting my shoulders to open. It literally feels like my right arm and head are blocked from rotating, but at least my back arm isn't wildly swinging in the wrong direction like the turn from the prior year. I've had turns in the ocean that felt better where I was able to clear that right arm and look back to the foam, but I don't have any video to analyze exactly what I am doing different on my better attempts.

For speed generarion, I think I need to lift my arms higher on the extension part of the pumping so that I go up the wave more rather than just across it, but any feedback on the pumping or the turn is welcome.