June 02

A wise horseman has been known to say 'Practice does not make perfect' - 'Only perfect practice make perfect'.
This is a video of me practicing at improving my practice.
The movements are uneditted. I am aware that I am not always looking where I am going because today I am
finding my right leg does not want to track through/forward straight. It is wanting to externally rotate which
pushes my knee out to the side. There could well be a couple of reasons for this. I've just been for a surf and
I am tired or I may need to release some tension in my glutes or somewhere else in my body (l mean that
literally - there could be tightness anywhere - in my foot, calf, thigh, mid back etc). I also lift my back leg once
I am standing, trying to teach myself to adjust my weight forward once up. I am a body nerd. I like to break
movements right down and practice them incrementally. Interesting for me, boring for everyone else.
I don't know if these show enough of the forward momentum you were talking about Maria, let me know and
I can post the images you have seen.