August 13, 2023

Hi legends!
I'm pretty new to surfing, only about 10 months. I started on a minimal and have since gone down to a 6'2". It's one of Hayden Cox's Atelier performance cruisers. Pretty wide and lots of volume (45L). I love it a lot, it was a great board to move on to.

I'm now trying to work my bottom turns and cutbacks and getting more on rail. For a while I thought the board was stopping me but then I managed to do it a few times (although I'm sure it didn't look as great as it felt), so I reckoned it wasn't so much the board and I just needed to work more on the technique.
But I do feel like I can't quite get it all the time, especially if the wave is fast doesn't have a nice big face to do that drawn out turn.
So my question to the group is, do I need to move on to a more responsive board?
And, any thoughts on what direction to take with that board choice?
I'm 180cm, 75kg, realistically low intermediate but looking to get to that higher intermediate level. I surf at Queenscliff and Bondi beaches in Sydney (my wave knowledge is pretty limited, but I hope that helps with the types of waves I'm surfing).
Or am I being impatient and should just keep trying with my current board?
Really loving the programs, and can see massive improvements within just a couple of weeks of using the OMBE method.
Really appreciate any help! Cheers